Bowman Angus and Ridgeview Herefords

Ridgeview Herefords


Ridgeview Herefords


Kanimbla Wallace Q065

Wallace was purchased as a calving ease specialist, being ranked near the top of the breed.  A bomb proof heifer option, he comes with the added bonus of IMF and docility in the top 10%.


Kanimbla Techno S017

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Hunter Lakes Lion Heart L110

An absolute powerhouse of the Hereford breed, Lion Heart was purchased as the $65,000AUD top priced bull of the 2017 national sale at Dubbo, NSW.  A homozygous poll that combines performance, phenotype and pedigree, from the iconic Allendale Fancy cow family.  With and IMF (Intra Muscular Fat) score almost three times the breed average, a trait leader in gestation length, 200-day weight and scrotal size, Lion Heart has the ability to transfer this phenomenal data through to his progeny.  His calves display the same quiet, easy disposition, outstanding looks and cosmetics.  He is a true industry leader!

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Injemira Gallipoli N217

Purchased as a heifer specialist, Gallipoli provides explosive growth, carcase weight and milk EBVs in the top 20% of the breed.  After viewing many great bulls with Pine Hill Erik in their pedigrees, Gallipoli was an obvious choice with his dark red coat colour and excellent eye pigmentation.